Monday, 23 June 2008


It’s been a while. The reason being that summer and my new windows arrived at the same time. The new windows weren’t supposed to arrive for another 3 or 4 weeks, but they suddenly called last Mon. to let us know that they would be installing them on Thurs. Much panicked preparation ensued on Mon.-Wed. evening to get the windows prepared (the blinds had to come down as did the fly screens and I was too embarrassed to leave the cobwebs on them, so I took them down too). Thurs. and Friday evenings and part of Sat. were spent putting everything back into place. Today the guys are returning to finish things off. I don’t know exactly what that entails, but they will be done today. Yay. Tonight will be spent putting the fly screens back up (we don’t have just screens here like in the States so I’ve got screen material tacked up onto the wooden frames, or will this evening.)

Summer also arrived rather abruptly. It just came. Just in time for me to get new windows with no fly screens on them so I can’t open everything up to cool it off at night lest I wind up with a fly/mosquito infestation. I live on a farm (flies galore) within an eighth of a mile from a lake (can you say mosquitofest?). I really hate summer. I just keep telling myself it will all be over in another 8 weeks. 8 weeks. How long can that last? No long I hope.

Knitting has taken a back seat to all of this. It had to. Plus, it’s in the 90s (and yes I do know that people in the US are suffering more. Just let me have my whinge, k?) and that’s not very conducive to knitting. I did finish the green striped socks for my grandmother and have been working on the flame shawl, but there hasn’t been a whole lot of progress. I think I also did a couple of blanket squares last weekend, but that’s only a vague recollection. My brain slows down to the speed of cold treacle in the heat. Don’t expect any wonders of thought from me until at least Oct.

Last but not least, I’ve given up walking the dogs except in the morning. I had to put T on the leash and practically drag him back to the car to get to work on time on Friday. It’s completely pointless to go when it’s this hot. I’m going to try and get them out earlier in the morning, but I’m not sure I can stomach a wake up alarm earlier than 4:45. We’ll see. It’s set for 4:30 tomorrow morning.


  1. And I always have this idea of cool mountain air when I hear Switzerland. We have had a lovely spring so far, 81 is as high as it got, and only in mid afternoon. May it stay that way. hope you cool off soon.

  2. I've been getting up at 5:30 to run this summer, which is 15 minutes later than during the school year. This morning I got up at 4:30 because I'd set my alarm wrong. I was sooooo happy to go back to bed. 4:30 is just toooooooo early!

  3. 4:30am?! Are you sure that's a valid time? I'm only aware of a 4:30pm.
